Security tamper-evident bags (STEBS)
Airport security bags(STEBS)

According to ICAO BULLETIN, LAGs purchased at airport retail outlets or on board aircraft during the day(s) of the journey may be allowed through security screening points provided that they are carried in a Security Tamper-Evident Bag (STEB).

Security tamper-evident bags,stebs,Airport security bags,icao duty free Security tamper-evident bags,stebs,Airport security bags,icao duty free

LOUISPACKING has been registered as a 'Known STEB Manufacturer' by ICAO.
STEBs may only be manufactured and supplied by a 'Known STEB Manufacturer'.
Our company complies with the specifications of a specially designed tamper evident security bag laid out by the ICAO

Security tamper-evident bags,stebs,Airport security bags,icao duty free

Security tamper-evident bags,stebs,Airport security bags,icao duty free

Security tamper-evident bags,stebs,Airport security bags,icao duty free

Security tamper-evident bags,stebs,Airport security bags,icao duty free

Tamper Evident Bag For Air Travel Security ICAO and ETRC (Duty Free)

1. Material to be used:
- transparent (high impact low density polyethylene (LDPE) or equivalent);
- recyclable and environment-friendly products ;
- size (S,M,L) and thickness (minimum of 50 microns) to be adjusted to the needs.

2. On the top face of the STEB.

2.1 Closure:
- red tamper evident tape (minimum 30 mm tape with 40 mm release liner);
- high tack pressure sensitive self adhesive;
- integral security device/hidden graphic to show if tampered with.

2.2 Border:
side and bottom weld be no less than 15 mm width in red; and printed border of minimum 5 mm with "DO NOT OPEN", airport name, or any other continuous message or design which may bleed over the edge of the bag.
(Optional integral security device/hidden graphic to show if borders are tampered with.)

2.3 Message:
- security sign in green in the middle of the security box; and box in red at bottom
"Do not open until final destination -contents may be confiscated if bag is tampered with".

2.4 Confirmation/identification features:
- Receipt space (or jacket, optional) inside the bag visible in the top left of the security box.

3. On the back face of the bag.
-Individual airport/retailers/other branding or logos.

Tamper Evident STEB Duty Free Bags

Size:225*425 MM,320*580MM,395*600 MM, size can be ordered
Handle:two layers or three layers
Pocket:8cm pocket inside for receipt
Tamper evident seal: 3cm(void open or aircraft)